Health & Safety Committee

Our Locals Health and Safety Committee serves several important purposes in the workplace. This committee was established in the CWA 9588 by-laws and was established to promote and maintain a safe and healthy working environment for employees. Our objectives include:

  1. Employee Representation: The committee provide a platform for employees to be actively involved in health and safety matters. Representatives from the union can voice the concerns and perspectives of workers, ensuring their input is considered in decision-making processes related to safety.

  2. Identifying Hazards: The committee is responsible for identifying potential health and safety hazards in the workplace. This includes conducting regular inspections, reviewing incident reports, and gathering input from employees to identify areas that may pose risks to workers.

  3. Risk Assessment: The committee often participates in the assessment of workplace risks. This involves evaluating the likelihood and severity of potential hazards and working collaboratively with management to develop strategies for mitigating these risks.

  4. Policy Development: The committee may be involved in the development, review, and improvement of health and safety policies and procedures. We play a crucial role in ensuring that policies are practical, effective, and align with the needs of the workforce.

  5. Training and Education: The committee can contribute to the design and implementation of health and safety training programs. This includes educating employees about potential risks, proper safety procedures, and the use of protective equipment. We also educate members on OSHA, Cal/OSHA, California State and other regulatory commissions rights and safety protocols to better inform the members. And if need be, we will file complaints to protect our members.

  6. Incident Investigation: In the event of accidents or incidents, the committee may be involved in investigating the causes and contributing factors. This information is valuable for preventing future occurrences and improving overall safety.

  7. Communication: The committee facilitates communication between management and employees regarding health and safety matters. This can include sharing updates on safety initiatives, addressing concerns, and ensuring that relevant information is disseminated to all employees.

  8. Advocacy for Worker Rights: In addition to safety concerns, the Locals health and safety committee may also advocate for broader worker rights and welfare issues. This can include negotiating for fair working conditions, reasonable work hours, and other factors that contribute to overall well-being.

  9. Joint Health & Safety Committee: Members of the Locals health and safety committee may also be asked to participate in the Joint Health and Safety Committee held with their employers (if bargained as it is with Frontier and Verizon in the MOA on Joint Health and Safety) which will meet 3 times a year with Company EH&S, District 9 Staff, and members of the Joint Health and Safety Committee.

By fulfilling these purposes, the unions health and safety committee contribute to creating a safer and healthier workplace, fostering collaboration between labor and management, and promoting the well-being of employees.